09 June 2020

Born2Bond webinar: Smarter Structural Bonding

Bostik is to host a webinar to discuss the performance and uses of its new Born2Bond Structural adhesive and how it can meet the complex structural bonding requirements across a diverse range of industries and applications.

Jean-Francois Chartrel, Technical Director Engineering Adhesives (Global) and Business Development Managers from the Engineering Adhesives department will present the webinar and explain how the Born2Bond Structural adhesive can increase process flexibility, reduce waste, and decrease production downtime.

In offering best-practice advice, the webinar will appeal to designers, engineers and manufacturers of a broad range of products who are looking to overcome the practical challenges of structural bonding.

Click the links below to access the on-demand recordings.

The Americas - (originally recorded Wednesday, June 17 at 11 a.m. Eastern Time (Access the on-demand recording)

EMEA - (originally recorded Wednesday, June 24 at 11 a.m. Central European Time (Access the on-demand recording)

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